If you purchased an AKB sourdough starter from our online shop and need a little help with feeding your starter - Here are a few tips from Iliana Berkowitz, AKB Founder and Head Baker:
Proportions - Using a scale, measure 1 : 1 : 1/2 ratio of flour, water, and starter respectively. For example - 50g flour, 50g water, and 25g starter.
Mixing - Mix ingredients together in a container until smooth, and cover. Leave the container on the counter until it’s ready to use. Throw away or use the leftover starter (discard) to make another treat.
Frequency & storage - To store your starter at room temp, feed it every 12 hours. To store your starter in the fridge, feed your starter once a week.
Getting ready to bake - The starter is ready to use when it's doubled in volume. Make sure to set aside a small portion of the starter to feed and maintain for future baking.